Browse our frequently asked questions to learn more about Northwest Career and Technical Academy and to determine if it's the right fit for you!
What is the Northwest Career and Technical Academy?
NCTA is a skills center dedicated to offering high-quality, tuition-free technical and professional training for high school-aged students. One of the benefits of a skills center is that it is a cooperative that serves many school districts in a central location, thus reducing the cost of expensive programs and providing greater access to advanced program opportunities. Mount Vernon School District is a consortium member as well as the “host” district.
Who is eligible to attend NCTA?
• Juniors and seniors from Skagit, Whatcom, and Snohomish counties (some grade 10 students with exceptional status at their home high school).
• Anyone age 16 to 20 who has not received a high school diploma.
• Anyone age 16 to 20 who has earned his/her GED.
• Students who know what type of technical training they are ready to pursue and are ready to step up and stand out.
How does a student apply to NCTA?
Fill out our simple enrollment form right here on our website. During the enrollment process, you'll select your preferred courses and schedule.
Once we receive your application, we'll contact your school counselor to work out the details of your enrollment.
What is the cost of attending NTCA?
NCTA is part of the public education system so tuition is free! However, there are industry certifications available which may require a student-paid fee.
How does summer session work?
NCTA, like most skills centers, offers summer school programming for high school-age students including incoming freshmen.
Summer school classes are typically 6.5 hours per day for 14 days. Classes offered allow students to get a taste of a program
area, dive deeper into the learning, and provide the chance for students that may not be able to fit a skills center class into their year-long schedule to work ahead and open space for the coming year(s).
Students can earn 0.5 credit (one semester credit) per summer session.
Summer school enrollment begins in spring.
There are two types of classes offered during summer:
• Introductory Classes: Provides an introduction into a program area so students may get a taste of what the pathway area provides.
• Extension Programs: Deeper learning in a program area for advanced placement experiences for current students.
For more information visit our Summer Session page.
What does a student schedule look like when attending their high school and NCTA?
Students attend NCTA for a half-day and their local high school for the other half.
When a student pre-registers at their high school, it’s important they know they’ll be blocking out 3-4 classes.The high school schedule in Skyward will reflect the courses at NCTA.
Can students earn college credits through NCTA?
Yes. Most programs allow students the opportunity to earn college credit through CTE dual credit for what they do in the
program when they receive an “A” or “B” grade.
Where are the programs located?
There are four NCTA campus locations. Read the description for your desired course to determine which campus it will be taught at. Transportation is provided by most school districts.
• Anacortes (1606 R Avenue)
• Sedro-Woolley High School
• Meridian High School
• Mount Vernon (2205 West Campus Place)